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Oh. Maybe that was my error. Let's see if I can snag replies or likes from this post. Last try. I'm getting grumpy. Need breakfast.

Hey friends on , trying to see if I configured things correctly on my site for Bridgy Fed to pull replies to my site. Can someone reply, please?

Interesting to see people calling for Canada to speak out against the US concentration camps for children. Unfortunately, I think Trudeau the new oil baron has made it clear on where he stands ethically.

This is one of the best reads in the last year. Frightening. Google, Facebook and Amazon are diverting users through apps and hardware to "bypass the Web." This way they "have more authority over data traffic."

Lost Transformers episode: Corebus was a robot that changed into a bus. Thus, all the autobots hated him because even people who *are* vehicles themselves despise public transit despite the good it does.

DRUG DEALER: Here's a free taste.
USER: OMG I want more of this!
DEALER: That will cost you.

DEVELOPER: Our API allows you to connect to us in interesting ways.
USER: So useful!
DEV: We trimmed the API to force users to our site/app for ad revenue.

This movie is 76% Neil Breen on the phone, 10% Breen throwing things, 14% other characters on the phone.

40 minutes into another Breen butt and 2 more laptops hit the floor.

No bras were harmed or used in the making of this film.