Fascinating: Trump's campaign was all about instilling fear in people. Now, those opposed against him are spreading fear of him as President.
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Because he is a bonified fascist. We are literally watching the emergence of American fascism right fucking now. Every freedom loving person in the world has every reason to be very very afraid.
You don't understand what Fascism is. You think you'll have more freedom with Big Government? Redistributing your income? Deciding where your kids can go to school? Taking away your right to bear arms? Does that sound like freedom to you? I'll stick with a smaller government that preserves my freedom of choice and lets me make those decisions for myself, thank you very much.
I actually have a pretty good idea of defines fascism. One thing is scapegoating: he says mexicans and muslims are the source of america's problems. Another thing is ahistorical agrandizement of the nation: Trump engages in unhinged, vapid, emotional vitriol of the wonders american at every speach. Another is the encouragement of violence as a solution to political opposition: Trump has encouraged his supporters to beat protesters; and he has encouraged "second amendment people" to do something about Hilary Clinton. Trump wants to ethnically target latinos, blacks, muslims and anyone who isn't one of his chosen folk. If you think for a second that Trump isn't fascist you are fucking delusional. If you voted for him, you contributed to death of american democracy. Bravo.
Fear may be spreading, but I doubt that it is an intentional act, in this case.
Also on: @sikkdays Christopher Sikhism
It's working, he's a genius
Nate Shareland, Nov 09 2016 on www.facebook.com