So much fear-mongering. This is just your friendly reminder that Presidents can't really do shit. You should really be worried about Congress.
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A lot of what Obama did was through executive orders which Trump can cancel his first day in office.
It's about more than what he'll do. It's about him being a lightning rod for hatred that apparently is rampant in our country. I'm super disappointed in America tonight.
Thank you
No, you should really be worried about the Supreme Court. The next President could appoint as many as 4 new Justices.
But he is the FACE of America - this is who they want the world to see as a representative of their country???
Also, did someone already dibs living in your spare bedroom? (assuming you have one?)
Please don't assume that. Hillary actually had the majority popular vote. There are millions of American's, like me, who find him to be a terrifying choice as our leader. But sadly Donald Trump is our next president and I will find a way to accept that while I also try to understand the hate that supports him.
Worried about both actually.
Also on: @sikkdays Christopher Sikhism
but with house, senate and Supreme Court all aligned...
Ben Yendall, Nov 09 2016 on