Using my father's tools to right my spouse's bicycle for winter riding & add a studded tire, hearing his voice, "She's nuts," he snickers.
Bad podcaster. I didn't get show notes done today. I had to take apart the washer again and clean the filter.
I hope everyone is reconnecting with each other on this day of family & friends. Happy Thanksgiving. https://
Broken logic: I don't want to fix washer tomorrow, I have too much work to do. So, I did it tonight. Testing fix. Now it is tomorrow. ☹🕛
Remember when car dealers were in the business of selling cars? Now it's all about spam in your mailbox, email and the telemarketing!
Fascinating: Trump's campaign was all about instilling fear in people. Now, those opposed against him are spreading fear of him as President.
So much fear-mongering. This is just your friendly reminder that Presidents can't really do shit. You should really be worried about Congress.
Enjoy taking your "I voted" selfies this year. In 2020, Apple will have removed the camera from the iPhone X.3. #courage #elections2016
Bravely removed the surgical strips to see the vandalism done to the temple that is Chris. My career as nude sushi platter might be over.