The last two recordings were a soft reset. Previously doing each mantra daily for a month felt somewhat rote. I was missing the piece of feeling what I was actually telling myself. After hitting the basics of meditation and mindfulness, it's time to start again.
I'm starting with forgiveness. This month's mantra is an effort to heal the wounds I've inflicted on myself through guilt and shame. I cannot move forward finding self-worth if I don't like myself.
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Much <3
The last Mantra was a re-introduction to meditation because I was finding my daily practice becoming rote. I was simply repeating the phrases, not feeling them. Meditation helps me find the space to absorb my affirmations. Morning Mantra Cinco is another method that I find useful for finding emotional balance, mindfulness.
Like meditation, mindfulness is about observing. What's different is that it's an eyes open practice. While you may need to set aside time for meditation, like you would a workout or yoga, mindfulness is a state of being that you can strive for as you go about your day.
The following audio file contains 2 quick practices for you to take with you into your daily routine. There's some explanation in the file for those not coming to this web page, and the first exercise is a very simple breathing technique. The Mindful Walking exercise starts around 6:20 if you want to skip ahead or if this isn't your first time using Morning Mantra Cinco.
Download here-- Morning Mantra Cinco
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Much <3
"Meditation doesn't work for me. I don't get it."
Hmm. Did you know that there's no right or wrong way to meditate? Have a listen.
It's been 3 months of Mantras and I felt like the last one was a bit sloppy and rushed. In truth, I was rushing through the mantras as I listened daily. It's time to take a break and remind myself that there's more to it than repetition.
This particular audio file is a bit longer than the previous ones as I discuss the importance of finding space to perform these mantras. Again, this is a personal project and Morning Mantra Cuatro serves as a reminder to myself. In DBT, Linehan talks about the rational mind and the emotional mind. A diagram and explanation can be found here, but imagine one side of your brain is logic and the other is emotion. Now, if I listen to and participate in a Morning Mantra in the rational mind am I going to make progress? So much of my previous mantras have focused my emotional responses to myself and the world around me. It only makes sense that I need to involve that emotional brain. So, how do I do that? This is where meditation and mindfulness come in.
In the beginning of each Morning Mantra, I've attempted to give myself some space. I've tried to breath and meditate my way to that emotional mind. It doesn't work all the time. So, this latest Morning Mantra is a refresher for myself. The audio file starts with my thoughts on why finding this open state of mind is important to my future work with Morning Mantras. Once you've listened, and if you choose to continue doing the exercise, skip to 6:20 in the file to practice. This is what I plan to do.
If you add the following URL into your favorite podcast app, you should get the Morning Mantras directly to your device without the need to come here and download them.
If you have any interest in supporting me, try the support link above, or the store. Thanks!
Much <3.